What does your orgasm look like ? Pleasurable ProductsPleasure News & Views What does your orgasm look like ? A friend well into her thirties recently asked me what an orgasm felt like. She…anne2011-04-17
I have sex. . . Pleasure News & Views I have sex. . . Young people are getting angry about the fact that they can vote, pay taxes, enter…anne2011-04-01
Why pleasure and development should not be strangers in bed… Pleasure News & Views Why pleasure and development should not be strangers in bed… There is a great new blog on the UK Guardian's "poverty matters" blog " Love…anne2011-03-07
Writers on pleasure and safety: Abha Dawesar on writing “that condom moment” Pleasure News & ViewsSex-edWhat We're Up To Writers on pleasure and safety: Abha Dawesar on writing “that condom moment” We really wanted to get some opinions from the renowned writer Abha Dawesar at Jaipur…anne2011-01-25
Can writers teach us about pleasure and safety? A Hijra life story DecolonizationPleasure News & ViewsSex-edWhat We're Up To Can writers teach us about pleasure and safety? A Hijra life story I'm at The Jaipur Literature Festival in India - I want to explore if the…anne2011-01-22
The safer sex time bomb has gone off in India Pleasure News & Views The safer sex time bomb has gone off in India Last January we reported from India with the comment "Sex is time bomb waiting to…anne2011-01-19
BBC reports on latest porn industry news from Calfornia HIV&AIDSPleasure News & ViewsSex work BBC reports on latest porn industry news from Calfornia http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-11561576anne2010-10-20
Condoms in Porn: why aren’t they compulsory ? HIV&AIDSPleasure News & Views Condoms in Porn: why aren’t they compulsory ? The recent HIV positive text result of porn actor in LA has caused a flurry…anne2010-10-15
The Great Wall of Vagina – Delhi does us proud HIV&AIDSPleasure News & Views The Great Wall of Vagina – Delhi does us proud Last week "The Great Wall of Vagina" our traveling, interactive and fully participatory art…anne2010-05-25
“Indian women have no business being happy…and especially no business enjoying Sex” Pleasure News & Views “Indian women have no business being happy…and especially no business enjoying Sex” Shoobha De on sex, pleasure and how the world questions Indian womens’ right to good…anne2010-01-26