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How to become a sexual pleasure champion and trainer

The Pleasure Project has been running training for sex educators on how to promote good safer sex for nearly twenty years, and we want to share our secrets with you.

After witnessing and experiencing the systematic erasure of pleasure in international development and public health, a silencing that disproportionally affects minoritized identities, and makes our sexual health interventions less effective, we welcome you to take a positive, liberating and sexy approach to good safer sex by using some of the tools we gathered here over our twenty years of experience as pleasure activists and trainers.

With this Toolkit, we invite you to co-create a world where more people live happier, more satisfying, and flourishing lives—challenging the shame and judgment we face around pleasure and sexuality.

Download Our Toolkit Here

Want to know how to get sexual health experts to become comfortable talking about pleasure and how to use it to motivate safer sex? Look no further.

Our Toolkit is packed with fun, participatory training exercises to help trainers know when and how to ease the topic of pleasure into a training programme through the lens of The Pleasure Principles.

These exercises include:

  • Suggestions as to how sexual health trainers can be enabled to discuss pleasure and desire in their own practice and identification of specific barriers to this.
  • Identification of barriers that can inhibit free discussion in a training setting and how these could be reduced in future.
  • Suggestions for creating an environment that supports people to discuss intimate issues such as sexual pleasure and preferences and how this can promote the practice of safer sex.
  • Guidance on appropriate exercises that trainers and participants can take away and use in their own varied contexts to facilitate discussion and behavioral recommendations. (This will include existing exercises and games that participants already use or know of).

Before you start! When discussing the delicate and taboo topic of sexuality it is always important to ensure that your groups have established confidentiality and ground rules of comfort.

The way we talk or do not talk about pleasure and sex matters, who gets to talk about it matters, and it matters who gets left behind.

Breaking the pleasure stigma and silence requires the voices of many, so we draw from our own experiences of pleasure as well as from the joys and turn-ons of joining a collective movement that is radically pro-pleasure in its myriad forms. We are excited to welcome you into our community of pleasure practice. We hope this Toolkit helps you open your aspirations for your own pleasure and joy, and then walk alongside others to see what can be universally available to us in all our pleasures.

Need Help?

The Pleasure Project is happy to run training for you, using these exercises and more, according to your needs. Why not get us to kick start your more effective sex education with a training of trainers? Email us at [email protected].


We acknowledge that this Toolkit would not have been possible without the contributions of all the pleasure enthusiasts that shared their knowledge with us, tested the exercises, financed this work, designed it, and helped us learn. A special thank you to Doortje Braeken and to the Pleasure Fellows.