So how to do it ?
We know these are challenging times but we are here to help you get some pleasure and stay safe during these scary and uncertain times. On our social media we have continuously been updating and sharing pleasure-positive articles that highlight the safest ways to sexually enjoy yourself during COVID-19. The overwhelming consensus is to accentuate the multifaceted act of masturbation. Loving yourself is the safest option out there, well at home #stayathome and masturbate.

Here at The Pleasure Project, we have taken the time to help set up tools for your own successful date night with yourself.
We shared some sexy tips on the benefits of masturbation in a blog collaboration with The Case for Her
And now our social media feed can become your gateway to the pleasure-positive sides of quarantine and our new website is your new pleasure portal. The following links are to public health articles, blogs and statements that show how to have safe good sex and pleasure during this pandemic. Whilst saving lives. Whats not to like ?
We loved this no nonsense and pratical guide to getting it on during the pandemic from the New York Health Department. Vox thought it was bang on.
And no doubt, people are watchig more porn during lockdown, certain websites are giving away free content, but dont forget we want performers to get paid, not ripped off and we want to make sure content is properly credited. See Maria Riot’s guide to making sure you get off ethically and support independent film makers #fairtradeporn
Its not all pleasure during these times – lets not forget that essential products for reproductive health are in short supply in these times, and health providers [ 70% of whom are menstruators globally] are not getting pads, tampons or even PPE that is built for their needs.

And finally we shall leave you will some top tips – we all know #wankingfromhome is a new global hobby, so how to do it well? See here for tips from those who know, on how to masturbate like a champ.