Please come and draw a vagina, your vision of one or one you know well….this Saturday at the Habitat Centre in Delhi….at the Great Wall of Art…
The Center for Human Progress (CHP) and several eminent partners, including the Delhi Government, National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), United Nations will host the first-of-its-kind Art for Life (A4L) initiative, which will be launched at the India Habitat Centre (IHC), New Delhi on 15 May, 2010. Art for Life (A4L) aims to use art as a medium of communication for HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights and generate public awareness through its contribution of art to the largest canvas dedicated to these issues.
The A4L launch event is scheduled to be held at India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodi Road on 15 May, 2010. Thereafter, we intend to move the canvas to various locations – e.g., important venues, schools and public places — of the NCR area and some major cities around the country, inviting public contribution of messages related to HIV-SRHR using art.
Once complete, the canvas will be exhibited during the upcoming Common Wealth Games in Delhi, on World AIDS Day, and finally, it will find a permanent and prominent place within the city-scape of Delhi. It is expected that A4L will mark history as a largest piece of art on HIV-SRHR generated through public participation .
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