What They’re Saying About Us
The Pleasure Project partners with Amplify Change to “advance sex-positive and pleasure-based approach to sexual health and rights, promoting good, safe sex.”
– The Case for Her: Pleasure positive approaches for better health outcomes in the global south.
Anne Philpott, Founder TPP, recipient of the first-ever Distinguished Sexual and Gender Health Revolutionary award
“Masturbation is anything you want it to be, when you play with yourself you can let your imagination run free…”
– Date night with yourself: TPP tips in The Case for Her guide
“It doesn’t cost anything to have a wank so don’t put these pressures on it.”
“Putting the sexy into safer sex.”
“The Case for Her is leading this charge with our newly launched female sexual pleasure investment portfolio including The Pleasure Project, a safe sex educator focused on satisfaction, desire and pleasure”
– The Case For Her Sexual Pleasure
“Stop preaching and start having fun! Learn to say YES to good, safe sex!”
“Real sex lives are primarily about pleasure…”
“Sex: when pleasure comes first”
“Sexual Rights are Human Rights: What about Sexual Pleasure?”
– The Global Advisory Board (GAB) for Sexual Health and Wellbeing
“The Pleasure Project is looking for three couples to get frisky on camera.”
“We all had to write our fantasies down.”
“Sex is used to market practically everything from your next holiday to ice cream. Why can’t it be used to market and promote safer sex and quality sex education?”
“Placing pleasure at the heart of safe sex”
“Podcast—Let’s talk about sex: why do we need good sex education?”
“The Pleasure Project Eyes Risky Behavior”
“The Pleasure Principle”
“Let’s Talk About Sex: why sexual satisfaction & pleasure should be on the international development agenda”
“Live Q&A: how can we reach an ‘Aids-free generation’?”
“To stop HIV, let’s bring sexy back”
“A bridge between sexual enjoyment and sexual health”
“Sex and Birth Control”
“Would health campaigns be more effective if they put less emphasis on disease-avoidance and more on pleasure?”
– Thomson Reuters Foundation News
“Pleasure Project Brings Safer Sex Discussion To AIDS Conference”
“A dialogue on safe sex practice, issues of consent and desire”
“The role of pleasure in condom programming”
“Reporting from the 2010 International AIDS Conference in Vienna”
“Can Passion Have a Place in Safe Sex?”
“The whole debate about safe sex has been conducted around fear, danger, disease and death. It is negative. We forgot the pursuit of pleasure. We have to put the sexy back into safer sex,”
“In its work the project draws on traditional knowledge around erotic art that has been in practice for centuries in many countries, but may have become submerged due to various reasons.”
“Sexing-up safer sex”
“Pleasure Condoms ‘Key to safe sex’”
“Safer sex campaigns need to promote condoms as offering pleasure as well as protection”
“Whatever happened to the Femidom?

Talking about Pleasure?
The Pleasure Project is happy to help with media inquiries. Simply email us to get in touch or to use our materials.