Organisations who endorse The Pleasure Principles

Agents of Ishq
- We will share The Pleasure Principles on our website to extend the awareness of your very important work with our audiences and partners;
- We will reach out to The Pleasure Project about pleasure based indicators in mapping our impact.

Amplify Change
- We will include pleasure-inclusive sexual health as a cross-cutting approach in funding round guidance to support applicants who wish to incorporate pleasure and sex-positive approaches within our five priority themes into their grant proposals;
- We will share resources, such as those created by The Pleasure Project, with grantees who wish to learn more about pleasure-inclusive sexual health and include it in their work;
- We will provide training and resources to team members as needed so they can better support grantees seeking to integrate pleasure-inclusive approaches in their projects;
- We will amplify grantee stories of change that share experiences of using a pleasure-inclusive approach in their work.

ASHA - American Sexual Health Association
- We commit to ensuring our communication materials and campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights based;
- We commit to including endorsement of Pleasure Principles as recommended action for grantees and our partner;
- We commit to ensuring that our customers, viewers, and clients are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex.

- We will amplify the Pleasure Principles and the importance of pleasure-based sexual health at every opportunity – including our advocacy and policy work, our communications efforts, and our ongoing series of webinars and educational training;
- We will enthusiastically encourage our global partners and stakeholders to likewise endorse the Pleasure Principles.

- We will ensure our communication materials, marketing strategies, and campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based;
- We will ensure that our users are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex;
- We will carry out training of staff on pleasure-based sexual health.

Bayethe Development Institute
- We will include pleasure-based sexual health or pleasure inclusivity and sex-positivity in the organization’s mission statement;
- We will train staff, volunteers, and partners on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will sell and promote our products as an aid to pleasurable sex but based on sexual rights, safe sex, and good health;
- We will ensure that your customers, viewers, and clients are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex;
- We will include pleasure-based sexual health indicators in our work;
- We will conduct research that leads to evidence around pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will ensure our communication materials, marketing strategies, and campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based;
- We will author pieces amplifying the evidence on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will put a poster up showing The Pleasure Principles in your office, home, or shop and explain how you are a pleasure-based sexual health worker or organization and then practice good, safe sex;
- We will include endorsement of Pleasure Principles as recommended action for grantees and your partners.

Bijoux Indiscrets
- We will commit ourselves to upholding the Pleasure Principles in our actions both publicly and internally amongst our peers and workers;
- We commit ourselves to promoting a truth that encompasses lived and academic experience to dispel myths, stigma and misinformation about sexuality;
- We will dedicate ourselves to continuously fighting for pleasure to be recognized as one of the most important aspects of sexual health, through our guides, blog and social channels;
- We will promote and teach through our brand, that sexuality, especially sexual pleasure is intertwined with our daily lives and health;
- We will promote and teach across our platforms that safer sexuality, can be both pleasurable and inclusive. While offering insight and tips to allow consumers to empower their decision making through education.

Bridges 2 Health & Rights
- We will include pleasure-based sexual health or pleasure inclusivity and sexpositivity in the organization mission statement;
- We will train staff, volunteers, and/or partners on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will conduct research that leads to evidence around pleasure-based sexual health.

Centre for Intimacy Justice
- We will ensure that our campaigns and communication materials that fight censorship against sexual health and wellness companies include and highlight companies and organisations that champion pleasure.

CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality
- We will include our definition of what it means to be ‘sex-positive’, one of our core organizational values, in our new Multi Annual Strategy 2023-2026, to be released this summer;
- We will put a poster of the Pleasure Principles in our office;
- We will host an organizational learning session on the Pleasure Principles as part of our organizational; ‘Innovation Thursday’ series;
- We will host one communications campaign around the concept of sexual pleasure and inclusivity;
- We will produce an episode for our ‘Young & Powerful’ podcast with one of the Pleasure Fellows.

- We will include pleasure-based sexual health the organization’s company values.
- We will work with sexual and reproductive health and rights experts to create and support conversations and content that promote pleasure-based sexual health.
- We will work with storytelling stakeholders to promote pleasure-based sexual health messaging

Design for Equality
- We will ensure that your customers, viewers and clients are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex;
- We will conduct research which leads to evidence around pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will train staff, volunteers and/or partners on pleasure based sexual health;
- We will ensure our communication materials, marketing strategies, campaigns are inclusive, respectful and rights based;
- We will include endorsement of Pleasure Principles as recommended action for grantees and your partners;
- We will put a poster up showing The Pleasure Principles in your office or home or shop and explain how we are a pleasure- based sexual health worker or organisation and then practise good safe sex.

- We will sell and promote our sexual and reproductive health products to aid sex positivity and center sexual rights, safe sex, and overall good health and well-being;.
- We will ensure our marketing strategies, educational materials, and mass media campaigns are gender inclusive, respectful, and rights-based;
- We will commit that our end-users and viewers are informed about, and encouraged to advocate for, pleasure as a central part of safe sex.

ETSex - Esquela Transdisciplinaria de Sexualidad
- We will ensure that our customers, viewers, and clients are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex;
- We will ensure our communication materials, marketing strategies, campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based;
- We will include endorsement of Pleasure Principles as recommended action for grantees and our partners.

Fòs Feminista
- We commit to announcing the endorsement of The Pleasure Principles in celebration of World Sexual Health Day 2023. This announcement will be publicly displayed on social media;
- We commit to hosting a webinar for Fòs Feminista Alliance members about The Pleasure Principles and their incorporation in Comprehensive Sexuality Education.

Fundacion Chile Positivo
- We will train staff, volunteers, and/or partners on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will include pleasure-based sexual health indicators in our work;
- We will ensure our communication materials, marketing strategies, and campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based;
- We will develop an HIV prevention campaign with a pleasure-based approach which will launch on September 4th.

Golden Centre for Women's Rights Uganda
- We will create awareness, support, and understanding of pleasure among women, sex workers, and the wider community through education;
- We will challenge and demystify myths and misconceptions around sex by developing, printing, and disseminating pleasure materials;
- We will incorporate the Pleasure Principles in our SRHR Policies and Programs.

Hablemos de Sexo y Amor
- We will post on our social media about the Principles and The Pleasure Project;
- We will offer our platform on Instagram to design and develop Instagram Live sessions to talk about the Principles;
- We will programme Twitter ‘threads’ to promote and provide a detailed explanation of the Principles;
- We will redact and publish articles about the Principles and The Pleasure Project on our website.

In Spirit for Her
- We will share the Pleasure Principles and other resources with our presenters and collaborators to encourage safe sex and pleasure-centric approaches to materials and presentations;
- We will highlight The Pleasure Project and specifically the Pleasure Principles on our website to encourage a welcoming and open environment for visitors to learn about safe sex and sex-positivity;
- We will provide educational content to help people explore new and exciting ways to enhance pleasure in a welcoming and supportive environment.

- At least two Member Associations commit to testing elements of the Pleasure Principles in their work;
- We will incorporate training of staff across the Federation on Pleasure Based Sexual Health and the evidence that supports it;
- We will look to expand the Pleasure Campaign by the Africa Regional Office to other regions and use the learnings to inform Pleasure based-content across all regions;
- We will work with the Pleasure Project to better understand how to incorporate Pleasure into our programs with a focus on youth;
- We will develop a specific module on advocacy for pleasure in the IPPF internal training modules;
- We will commit to continuing sex-positive communications content on IPPF’s website in multiple languages and we will work with at least 3 sex positive, pleasure-based influencers on social media content;
- We will continue to ensure Pleasure is a principle guiding the new IPPF Strategy 2023-2028.

- We will train IYAFP Executive Team and members on pleasure-based sexual health using the Pleasure Project’s training kit.
- We will include pleasure-based sexual health indicators in our work.
- We will ensure our communication materials, marketing strategies, and campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based.
- We will author blog posts amplifying evidence on pleasure-based sexual health.

Karma Care
- We commit to the training of all staff, volunteers, and/or partners on pleasure – based sexual health;
- We commit to including pleasure-based sexual health and pleasure-positivity in the organisation mission statement;
- We commit to including pleasure-based sexual health indicators in our work;
- We commit to ensureing our communication materials, marketing strategies, campaigns are inclusive, respectful and rights-based;
- We commit to authoring pieces amplifying the evidence on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We commit to putting a poster up showing The Pleasure Principles in our office or home or shop and explaining how we are a pleasure-based sexual health organisation;
- We commit to selling and promoting our products as an aid to pleasurable sex but based on sexual rights, safe sex, and good health.;
- We commit to collaborative workshops & events;
- We commit to addressing the intersectionality of pleasure-based sexual health with mental health, neurodivergence and pleasure;
- We commit to explore thinking about pleasure in Hindi and perhaps other languages in a class and caste sensitive way; and pleasure in marginalized populations.

Kenya SRHR Alliance
- We commit to implementing a pleasure based SRHR programme that will empower CSE providers and other CSO’s on pleasure-based sex education;
- We commit to training staff, volunteers, our member partners and interested stakeholders on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We commit to ensuring that our communication materials, communication campaigns and online engagement are inclusive, respectful, and rights based.

Kimia Pedagogías Criticas
- We will conduct research which leads to evidence around pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will include pleasure-based sexual health or pleasure inclusivity and sex positivity themes in all our workshops and projects.

Kinky Collective
- We will celebrate the idea of kink in India on a national level;
- We will train our volunteers, and staff on gender diversity, gender sensitivity, diversity in sexual orientation and practices when conducting workshops, panels, etc;
- We will organise a database of MHPs who are kink-affirmative and sex positive in their practices;
- We will offer suggestions on ensuring the Principles and Toolkit are fully inclusive of kinky sexuality;
- We will contribute to the translation efforts of the Principles into two languages;
- We will collaborate with The Pleasure Project in hosting a session at the next Kink Con or other relevant conferences focusing on kink, pleasure, the pleasure principles, and consent.

Kisumu World of Pleasure
- We will include pleasure-based sexual health or pleasure inclusivity and sex-positivity in the organization’s mission statement;
- We will train staff, volunteers, and/or partners on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will sell and promote our products as an aid to pleasurable sex but based on sexual rights, safe, sex, and good health;
- We will ensure that our customers, viewers, members, and clients are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex.

- We will include pleasure-based sexual health or pleasure inclusivity and sex-positivity in our vision and mission and overall approach to building our brand;
- We will train of staff, volunteers, and/or partners on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will sell and promote our products as an aid to pleasurable sex based on sexual rights, safe, pleasurable sex, and good health;
- We will ensure that our customers, viewers, and clients are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex;
- We will ensure our communication materials, marketing strategies, campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based;
- We will put a poster up showing The Pleasure Principles in our office or home and explain how we are a pleasure-based sexual health organisation.

Life Worth Vision Uganda
- We will integrate pleasure principles in our staff orientation manual and align it to our mission and ensure that all our primary targets which include Children, youth, Adolescent Girls and Young Women and their partners are empowered to take full control of their lives and are encouraged to make informed decision by themselves without any form of discrimination;
- We will build and strengthen capacity of our program staff to able to embed pleasure principle to all our Sexual Reproductive Health Right (SRHR) programming, communication (IEC) materials and activities;
- We will integrate the pleasure training kit into our toolkit for training our peer leaders;
- We will appoint a substantive pleasure principle focal point person to coordinate and lead the integration of pleasure principle into our programming;
- We will conduct research which leads to evidence around pleasure-based sexual health.

Love Matters India
- We commit to strengthening our work toward the principle of “Talking Sexy”. We would like to focus deeper on improving the social skill around having healthy and pleasurable conversations about sex;
- We commit to focusing on the “Be Positive” principle with a particular focus on strengthening positivity in the conversations between health service providers and their clients.

Love Matters Kenya
- We will ensure that our audiences are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex;
- We will include pleasure-based sexual health indicators in our work;
- We will conduct research that leads to evidence around pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will ensure our communication material, marketing strategies, campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based.
- We will embed The Pleasure Principles in every aspect of our brand, from our internal practices to our public-facing initiatives creating a culture of openness, inclusivity, and positivity among our team, partners, and audience.
- Through our website, guides, lifestyle blog, and social media channels, we will share knowledge that blends lived to break down myths, combat stigma, and promote sex-positive truths about sexuality.
- We will champion pleasure as an integral part of sexual health by weaving it into our vision, mission, and overall brand identity, making it a cornerstone of our work.
- We will ensure our communication materials, campaigns, and strategies are inclusive, rights-based, and reflective of the diversity of human experiences and identities.
- Our products will be promoted as tools for pleasurable, safe, and empowering sexual experiences, reinforcing the connection between sexual health and overall well-being.
- We will train our staff and partners on pleasure-based sexual health, utilising resources and guidance provided by The Pleasure Project to ensure our team is equipped to promote sex positivity effectively.

Mama Comes First
- We commit to training staff, volunteers, and/or partners on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We commit to selling and promoting our products as an aid to pleasurable sex but based on sexual rights, safe sex, and good health;
- We commit to ensuring that our clients and community are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex;
- We commit to authoring pieces amplifying the evidence on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We commit to displaying The Pleasure Principles poster in our office and at events, and explain how we are a pleasure-based sexual health organization.

Metle Metlik
- We will ensure that our community and clients understand that safer sex can be both pleasurable and relaxing;
- We will post several social media updates focusing on the importance of pleasure;
- We will ensure our communication materials, marketing strategies, and campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based;
- We will organize a webinar or event that focuses on pleasure in an inclusive, respectful, and rights-based manner;
- We will ensure that our future program about postpartum sexuality adheres to The Pleasure Principles.

- We commit to producing respectful, inclusive and sex positive global communications;
- We commit to strengthening our capacity to support the integration of The Pleasure Principles into our SRHR guidance, information sharing and service delivery.

My Sexual Health
- We will teach the Pleasure Principles to all the Healthcare Providers in Sexology, Training Cub, and the MSH Team, using the training kit provided by the Pleasure Project;
- We will train staff, MSH Team Members, and students on pleasure-based sexual health.

- We will develop a collaboration with youth groups as a part of our programme to extend our work into youth spaces, in which we train both staff and young people on pleasure-based sexual health (this will have to be a commitment for 2025 as we are in the process of setting up these networks)
- We will ensure that our social media viewers and clients (counselling/ peer support groups) are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex
- We will ensure our social media communications materials are inclusive, respectful and rights-based and amplify pleasure-centered health messaging

Nu Sex Therapy
- Include pleasure-based inclusivity and sex positivity throughout Nu’s website
- Ensure that clients are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex
- Include risk reduction questions and pleasure education with clients via sex history
assessments and beyond - Author pieces amplifying the evidence on pleasure based sexual health on Nu’s blog
- Include expansive pleasure practices to include asexual folks
- Inform other sexual health organizations of The Pleasure Project

- We commit to communicate pleasure;
- Sharing the Pleasure Principles on the website to extend the awareness with audiences and partners;
- Producing and publishing communication products on Pleasure based sexual health;
- We commit to sustain our existing sex positive work;
- Promoting pleasure and sex-positivity in media, social media, Nytfestivalen and more;
- Driving & documenting positive sexual health narratives in areas that are seldom spoken about, like correctional facilities, the shaming and discrimination of people in BDSM, poly-cultures etc. – and more.

O henry
- We will train volunteers and staff in sexual health organisations or departments on pleasure-based sexual health
- We will author pieces amplifying the evidence on pleasure-based sexual health
- We will put a poster up showing The Pleasure Principles in our office and explain that we embody and practice a pleasure based approach to sexual health and teach good safer sex practices

Plan International
- We will organise an internal training and orientation on the Pleasure Principles and how they relate to our mission to ensure all children, adolescents and youth have control of their lives and bodies, and can make decisions about their sexuality, including whether, when and whom to marry and whether, when and by what means to have a child, free from discrimination, coercion, violence or harmful practices;
- We will produce and publish a blog on how the Pleasure Principles relate to our work and include information about our endorsement;
- We will deepen our programming and influencing for sex-positive sexual and reproductive health and comprehensive sexuality education at national, regional and global levels;
- We will integrate the Pleasure Principles in our foundational SRHR training package, Conversations that Matter, which is being rolled out in all regions where Plan International work on SRHR;
- We will invest in approaches and tools that operationalise our recent research on adolescent sexual wellbeing and consent, and integrate the Pleasure Principles, including explore opportunities for integration of pleasure-based indicators in our monitoring and evaluation.

- We will develop and incorporate pleasure-forward content into our programming in at least three countries, thereby integrating sexual pleasure into the narrative to catalyze comprehensive SRH impact;
- We will grow the body of evidence to catalyze the conversation around the impact of pleasure-forward content and programming; do this by authoring at least two publications amplifying results and recommendations;
- We will join the conversation about the measurement and integration of pleasure-forward metrics.

Repro Empowerment
- We will ensure that our customers, viewers, and clients are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex;
- We will ensure our communication materials, marketing strategies, campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based;
- We will include endorsement of Pleasure Principles as recommended action for grantees and our partners.

- We will develop and incorporate pleasure-forward content into our programming in at least three countries, thereby integrating sexual pleasure into the narrative to catalyze comprehensive SRH impact;
- We will grow the body of evidence to catalyze the conversation around the impact of pleasure-forward content and programming; do this by authoring at least two publications amplifying results and recommendations;
- We will join the conversation about the measurement and integration of pleasure-forward metrics.

- We will publish an article focused on the relationship between abortion and pleasure to announce our endorsement of The Pleasure Principles. This will be shared on the SAAF website in our three working languages;
- We will promote this blogpost on SAAF social media channels and sharing with SAAF grantee partners via our internal Workplace group so that we can discuss the connections between our work on safe abortion through a pleasure-based lens;
- We will carry out further activities which promote a pleasure-based, sex-positive and rights-based approach to not just the topic of abortion, but SRHR more generally. This includes in our public messaging and in communication with SAAF grantee partners around the world.

Share-Net Netherlands
- We will conduct research that leads to evidence around pleasure-based sexual health and continue to develop pleasure-focused tools such as The Pleasure Bank;
- We will ensure our communication materials, marketing strategies, campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based;
- We will author pieces amplifying the evidence on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will continue to develop pleasure-focused tools such as The Pleasure Bank and showcasing them in international spaces and conferences;
- We will continue to be boldly and proudly pro-pleasure.

We commit to including and affirming pleasure inclusivity, sex-positivity and pleasure-based sexual health in Spectrumʼs updated mission, vision and ambitions;
We commit to producing various manuals, toolkits or workbooks, i.e. The Pleasure Principlesʼ training kit in Farsi, to make it more accessible for Farsi speakersʼ sex educators by suggesting appropriate and inclusive terminologies and building capacity in the right to pleasure movements.

SRH matters
- We will include pleasure based sexual health as part of our digital health materials available on our Outreach Tablets and AI-powered chatbot Ask RHU in our programming as part of the “Knowledge and information on Safe Sex” project;
- As we design the Million Condom Project and the social marketing of a new condom brand in Uganda, we will ensure the project integrates condoms an aid to pleasurable sex but also based on sexual rights, safe sex and good health;
- We will ensure our organisation’s communication materials and campaigns include respectful and rights-based approaches to sex and pleasure.

SRH matters
- We will release an episode of the SRHM Podcast on sexual pleasure;
- We will publish a blog on the topic of sexual pleasure;
- We will publish a commentary in the journal on the pleasure principles;
- We will encourage potential authors to submit articles on pleasure;
- We will discuss producing a special issue of the journal on sexual pleasure (funding dependent).

SRHR Champions Liberia
- We will ensure our communication materials, marketing strategies, campaigns are inclusive, respectful and rights based, include pleasure-based sexual health or pleasure inclusivity and sex positivity in our organization mission statement.
- We also agree to have our organization mentioned along with our logo on The Pleasure Project’s website as endorsing organization.

Tabu Tabu
- We commit to including pleasure-based, sex-positive language in our work in sexuality education and sexual health and rights promotion;
- We commit to framing all conversations and learning materials around safer sex in a sex-positive way;
- We commit to training staff, volunteers, and/or partners where relevant on pleasure based sexual health.

- We will include pleasure-based sexual health or pleasure inclusivity and sex-positivity our initiative’s mission statement;
- We will train our youth advisory committee and/or partners on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will ensure our communication materials, marketing strategies, campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based;
- We will author at least two of our newsletters to amplifying the evidence on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will include endorsement of Pleasure Principles as recommended action for our partners;
- We will translate the Pleasure Principles into Turkish and share widely through social media, printable posters and other means.

The Case for Her
- We will continue to invest and fund in opportunities that support pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will use our platform as needed to advocate for pleasure-based sexual health;
- ensure that any communication material, marketing strategies, or campaigns produced are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based;
- amplify evidence on PBSH in appropriate opportunities.
- We will include endorsement of Pleasure Principles as recommended action for grantees and partners.

The Cognition Collective
- We will conduct rigorous research aimed at generating robust evidence concerning the benefits of pleasure-based sexual health. This will help inform future policies and interventions;
- Our communication materials, marketing strategies, and campaigns will be conscientiously developed to ensure they are inclusive, respectful, and rooted in rights-based approaches;
- We will implement comprehensive training for our staff, volunteers, and partners on pleasure-based sexual health to ensure a well-informed team that upholds and advances these principles in all facets of our work;
- We will author and disseminate pieces that amplify the evidence supporting pleasure-based sexual health, contributing to a broader understanding and acceptance of these principles;
- A poster of The Pleasure Principles will be displayed prominently in our office. This will serve as a daily reminder of our commitment and as an educational tool for all visitors and staff members. Furthermore, we will actively practice and promote safe sexual health practices as outlined by The Pleasure Principles.

The Pleasure Project
- We commit to provide support to and strengthen the sector through technical assistance and training on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We commit to sustain convenings and evidence generation on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We commit to promote diverse narratives of pleasure and exercise thought leadership in pleasure and gender empowerment.

The Sex School Hub
- We will include pleasure-based sexual health or pleasure inclusivity and sex-positivity in the organization’s mission statement;
- We will train staff, volunteers, and/or partners on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will ensure that our customers, viewers, and clients are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex;
- We will include pleasure-based sexual health indicators in our work;
- We will conduct research that leads to evidence around pleasure-based sexual health, and publish opinion pieces that will amplify the evidence on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will include the endorsement of the Pleasure Principles as a recommended action for grantees and partners;
- We will encourage our network to showcase a The Pleasure Principles poster, to signal being aligned with pleasure-based sexual health and practicing good safe sex.

The Well Project
- We will integrate sexual and reproductive health, including sex positivity, into women-focused HIV prevention and disease management education efforts;
- We will increase meaningful engagement between women across the gender spectrum and their providers by encouraging culturally responsive care that addresses the whole woman, including their sexual pleasure;
- We will submit one abstract to a provider conference amplifying the importance of pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will partner with other organizations/networks who are doing work in pleasure-based health;
- We will ensure all our communication and educational materials are respectful and rights-based.

The Youth Sexpert Program
- We will include that our programming is pleasure-centered rather than fear-based in our organization’s mission statement and website;
- We will ensure that our students are told about the value of pleasure in lessons such as those about masturbation and communication.

True Relationships & Reproductive Health
- We will continue to deliver comprehensive relationships and sexuality education that is positive, evidence-based, and includes discussions of sexual pleasure;
- We will continue to create sex-positive, pleasure-focused, and shame-free resources that empower people to make informed choices and have safe and pleasurable sexual experiences;
- We will continue to produce marketing materials that spotlight pleasure paradigms;
- We will deliver workforce development that emphasises the importance of moving beyond traditional harm reduction approaches in sexual and reproductive health and that highlights the positive outcomes of delivering pleasure-focused, positive, and shame-free information;
- We will display posters outlining the Pleasure Principles in our office and include an introduction to the principles in staff induction procedures.

Uthingo Network
- We will raise awareness about pleasure-based sexual health with LGBTQI+ individuals;
- We will increase LGBTQI+ people’s demand and access to pleasure-positive sexual and reproductive health and rights information and services;
- We will create an enabling environment at the family, community, and healthcare sector levels to realise pleasure-positive sexual and reproductive health and rights of LGBTQI+ people.

- We commit to making the official theme of World Sexual Health Day 2022: “Let’s Talk Pleasure”;
- We commit to distributing The Pleasure Principles to all member organizations to host local World Sexual Health Day Events, under the theme: “Let’s Talk Pleasure” by, amongst other activities, doing a training on the Pleasure Principles using the training kit provided by the Pleasure Project;
- We commit to including pleasure-based sexual health or pleasure inclusivity and sex-positivity in the WAS Theory of Change Statement, leading to clear objectives and outcomes in the WAS 2022 to 2025 strategic document;
- We commit to ensuring our communication materials, marketing strategies, and campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based.

WGNRR - Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights
- We commit to supporting WGNRR staff, volunteers, and/or partners in their work to advance pleasure-based SRHR, through trainings, capacity building, knowledge building, and other advocacy strategies;
- We commit to ensuring our campaigns, marketing strategies, and communication materials contain pleasure-based language, are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based and responsive to the demands for SRHR and justice around the world;
- We commit to ensuring the visibility of the Pleasure Principles in our website and across social media;
- We commit to collaborating with fellow Pleasure Principles endorsers to promote SRHR for all.

Young and Alive
- We will train of our staff, volunteers, and/or partners on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will include pleasure-based sexual health indicators in our work;
- We will conduct research that leads to evidence around pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will ensure our communication materials, marketing strategies, campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based;
- We will author pieces amplifying the evidence on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We will include endorsement of Pleasure Principles as recommended action for our partners;
- We will put a poster up showing The Pleasure Principles in our office and explain that we are a pleasure-based sexual health organization and then we practice good safe sex;
- We will leverage our network and platforms, including the Young and Alive Network and Summit to disseminate the pleasure principles;
- We will supporting development of guiding frameworks on integrating pleasure to the wellbeing of individuals and equality.

YUVA Nepal
- We commit to training staff, volunteers, and/or partners on pleasure-based sexual health;
- We commit to conducting sessions on pleasure positivity and sexual health and rights as a part of our in-house programs;
- We commit to including pleasure-based sexual health indicators in our work with the support of the Pleasure Project;
- We commit to conducting research, which leads to evidence around pleasure-based sexual health;
- We commit to ensuring our communication materials, strategies, and campaigns are inclusive, respectful, and rights-based;
- We commit to putting a poster up showing The Pleasure Principles in our office and website and explaining how we are a pleasure-based sexual health organization.

Zanah Thirus Creative
- We commit to producing Velvet, a seven-episode fiction podcast series that explores sensual, emotional, and romantic intimacy outside of sex.
- We commit to reviewing The Pleasure Principles and contributing a blog post from an asexual perspective.
- We commit to compiling a list of asexual education resources to support The Pleasure Project’s mission of offering diverse, comprehensive perspectives on pleasure and intimacy.

4L Solutions
- We commit to including pleasure-based sexual health or pleasure inclusivity and sex positivity in the mission statement;
- We commit to using The Pleasure Principles to educate and promote sexual health and well-being during coaching, workshops and events;
- We commit to ensuring that customers, viewers and clients are told about safer sex being pleasurable and relaxing sex, as pleasure is their birthright and sexual rights are human rights;
- We commit to sharing news of endorsement for The Pleasure Project and the Pleasure Principles on Punani Productions sexuality podcast as well as all social media platforms;
- We commit to encouraging the use of the Pleasure Principles as recommended action for partner organizations, schools, conferences, sponsors, grants and the public;
- We commit to advocating for pleasure inclusivity, sexual health, sexual rights and sexual freedom through all work and play to stimulate minds around the globe.