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By Constanza Bartolucci

Who Are We, and How Do We Connect with Pleasure and the Pleasure Principles?

The Escuela Transdisplinaria de Sexualidad (ETSex) is a team of diverse individuals with varied personal and professional backgrounds, united by a common passion: activism for Sexual Rights and Human Rights. This shared passion was our genesis, enabling us to come together and gradually weave projects driven by this core motivation.

From the outset, we have endeavored to elevate sexuality as a pillar of individual and community well-being, spearheading initiatives in sexual education, professional training, and clinical care in sexuality. Our mission is to present a comprehensive perspective that encompasses the biological, psychological, spiritual, social, cultural, and relational dimensions of sexuality. We emphasize the significance of context and intersectionality and affirm the importance and right of pleasure.

Through our journey, we have grown increasingly aware of the challenges in turning aspirations and principles into reality. This awareness underscores the importance of maintaining a reflective and critical stance, open to embracing mistakes and integrating new learnings. In line with this, networking and the opportunity to draw wisdom from the diverse perspectives of others are essential to this co-constructive learning process. Hence, endorsing the Pleasure Principles and collaborating with other institutions represents an intriguing challenge and a pathway to mutual growth (“win-win-win”: personal, relational, collective, and global gains).

The Pleasure Principles serve as a guide for individuals and organizations aiming to approach sexuality from a pleasure-positive perspective. They acknowledge the vital role of pleasure in life as a catalyst, extending beyond mere sexuality to underline pleasure as a fundamental element of human relationships, experiences, and educational processes.

Therefore, as a team, we believe in the essential nature of supporting, promoting, and authentically integrating these principles, despite the inherent challenges.

In our commitment to uphold these Principles, we at ETSex pledge the following actions:

Action 1:

We vow to review our existing work to ensure its alignment with these principles.

Action 2:

We pledge to conduct a comprehensive review of our main training program, with a particular focus on the module concerning pleasure (among others), to guarantee its congruence with these principles.

Action 3:

We promise to incorporate these principles into all new projects slated for the coming years.

We joyfully embrace this new challenge, hopeful that it will enhance the well-being and enjoyment of many.


For the Spanish version of the article, click here and head on over to ETSex website!